Monday, May 4, 2015

Lesson 13: Daily TO DO LIST

What’s on YOUR to-do list? This is important because the activities that are tracked on the Power of Threes chart are aligned with the 3 Vital Behaviors because we know they get results. Are these on your to-do


3 Vital Behaviors
1. Invite at least 3-5 people to my Challenge Group
2. Do my workout and drink Shakeology
3. Read/listen to 10 minutes of personal development

Other Key Items for Your List
1. Answer emails and Facebook posts from customers
2. Follow up via phone/email/text/personal message with prospects
3. Review Breaking Coach News in the Coach Online Office
4. Listen to a Team call, archived National Wake-Up Call, and/or attend a local event if applicable
** Team Beachbody has a Podcast channel where they put all the National Wakeup Call recordings. You can listen whenever! TEAM THRIVE calls are on Monday nights at 9:30, the links are always posted.
5. Check in and post in private Challenge Group pages
6. Call/text/email encouragement to someone I know (friend, customer, Coach, family member)
7. Post inspirational/engaging things on my Facebook page during the day

What’s on your to-do list for today?
Decide your method of keeping your to-do list, whether it’s electronic or hard copy. Commit to making
a daily to-do list over the next 30 days. Post below the method you have chosen and why. 

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Lesson 12: How to handle Objections!

This is a great video about handling objections. I've talked with some of you about these same things! 
Comment on the post on Facebook and tell me your biggest take away from it! :) 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Lesson 11: Dream Boards!

Lets talk about your dreams... and create your dream board! I want you all to dream big, and to let your imagination run wild. There is nothing stopping you. There is nothing standing in the way of what you want for your life! The only thing separating you and I is time. Thats right.. if you want this bad enough like you say you do, then time is the separation! Its only a matter of time. (& perseverance) You need to live with your visions and your dreams right in front of you. 

So head over here and create your dream board. 
> Click on "design"
> Click on "custom"
> put in 2000 x 1000, that's a good size! 

Here are some ideas of items to dream about!!

 1. what you want in a 'dream home"
2. trips you wanna take
3. financial dreams
4. cars
5. family time
6. giving
7. what you want your team to look like

-- this is my dream board! They've changed many many times over the past year. Dream BIG. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Assignment! Put your Challenge Group date out in Facebook Land!

Create your very own video describing your upcoming challenge group, shakeology, and what they can expect from you as their coach! 

Hey everyone my name is: 
I am starting a ____ day fitness challenge group and we are going to get started in just a few short weeks. This is a special video message invite to my group. Its going to rock and here is why:
you are going to get a dialed in meal plan with your fitness program
a _____ day fitness program proven to work
me as your coach 
and a chance to win prizes!!

And guess what! This is completely affordable so give it a shot!! Just comment below and let me know if you are interested!

^^^ be CONFIDENT in what you have to offer! Be CONFIDENT in yourself as a coach, & the product! You've done the programs, you know they work! So be confident & fun in this video! 

** Post in the comments on Facebook so we can see! & THEN you should post it to your personal page! Remember: nothing ever happens inside a comfort zone!!! 


How many people do you PRIVATE MESSAGE INVITE DAILY? Step outside of your comfort zone and understand that you have a real solution, to a real problem. Don't hold back! The rate at which you invite is the rate at which you will fail forward and at the rate at which you will succeed!!

Take those 'nos' as "not right now, but i'll see you in a few months" & keep moving to the next person who needs your help! :) 

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lesson 10: Is your store open for Business?

Change your profile picture to YOUR FACE!
1. Smile
2. Look happy
3. Bright, not dark
4. Happy, not scary
5. Photo apps can help you brighten and make your photos pop!

If your face is covered, dark and hidden people are less likely to trust you. Your profile photo is your first impression! & on the internet, that is everything. if someone with a scary photo or a photo in which part of their face is covered, I am less likely to talk to them, or to accept their friend request- and especially buy something from them!!


Set your Facebook profile to PUBLIC and open up your shop!!

Today i challenge you to create a Facebook banner to open up your Facebook page for business! You need people to realize that you are HERE TO STAY, that you are taking your business VERY SERIOUS. It is so very important that people come into your page and know that you are a Beachbody coach. (that's not saying every single post is Beachbody. 80/20 rule, remember?)

Head over to {} and create a "Facebook" cover photo. Have FUN! Make it YOU! Post it in the comments section under this post on Facebook by this evening! 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Lesson 9: What to read next

I would suggest you guys read GO PRO, FIRST! It is the basics of how to get started. & the after that you can move on to other books but i'd like you to start there first!! 


Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lesson 8: Personal Development

John C Maxwell is a big man in the personal development world. 

I know this video is a little longer but i promise, worth it. 

-- You may think "ya, i don't need to improve myself, i got this!"
WRONG!! If you listen to all the top coaches speak they will tell you PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT is the reason they are the rock stars that they are today! 
Did they start out as rockstars? NO! They started out just like you guys- some fear, some doubt, not knowing how to be a leader.

Here is why it's important to work on YOURSELF:
Have you ever been on an airplane and notice that the instruction on the face mask say to cover yourself before you cover your children? Ever find that crazy?! Your first instinct is to cover your kids and protect them, but what about you?! If you pass out in the middle of protecting them, then what?!! 


You have to grow strong in who you are and what you are doing before you can give to other people. This is about GIVING. You are going to wear your heart on your sleeve, you are going to get very vulnerable with people. You are going to get rejected 100 times over and over again and it's going to be tough. Most people forget to take care of themselves, get rejected too many times and they quit. 

Is this going to be you?!! It better not be! Why waste your time as a coach? If you are going to want to lead a team, lead a challenge group and help others- you need to be strong in your MIND, BODY, AND SPIRIT. So not only is it vital to take care of your fitness, you have to take care of your mind! 

You need to be reading 10 pages a day, minimum. You need to be listening to PD if you cannot find the time to sit down and read it. (podcasts, audio books, youtube videos).

John C Maxwell, Darren Hardy, & Brian Tracey are amazing leaders. Their voices have molded me into the leader i am today. I am still learning every single day but i've come a long way from where it was. So today: I want you to spend some time with John C Maxwell. This is to be watched in 2 parts. 1 half today, & 1 half tomorrow. If you are ways too busy.. watch 10-20 minutes every day for 5 days. I will be assigning a new video to this group every few days for the remainder of this group. I will be asking you questions on these videos in our check ins. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Lesson 7: How to Earn Money!

This guy is about as cheesy as it gets but this video is VERY helpful in understanding team bonuses and the compensation plan. :) Repeat it a couple times if needed, it will answer so many of your questions! 

Let me know if you have any questions. 

Monday, April 20, 2015

Lesson 6: The Power of 3s Explained

Power of 3s, easy way to track what you're doing in your Business.

Lists, whatever works for YOU. But you absolutely should be keeping track of what you're doing in your business. :) 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

How to sign someone up as a coach or challenger- with Anita Miron

Anita explains how to sign up a coach or challenger under YOU. :) 

It is very important to remember your username (website)
& your coach ID. You're going to use these two a lot in your biz. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Lesson 5: Examples of FORMing part 1 & 2!

I left this one to Anita also because, well, i don't have anyone i can FORM with at my house. Haha! 

She's good! :) She's a top 10 coach for a reason guys! 

Coach Basics Lesson 4: How to invite & WHEN

I left this one Anita, because she just said it all so well. :)

I, personally, don't do the event page she spoke of but i tried it once as a new coach.
I might try it again, i didn't get much traction off of it but like i said, i was a new coach! 

:) Let me know if you have any questions guys!

Coach Basics Lesson 3: The 3 Vital Behaviors

1. INVITE INVITE INVITE! Invite to be a friend first. Invite to your like page if you have one. Invite to your Challenge Group. Watch this video about inviting! All it takes is TALKING to people with these INTENT of helping them. Use the 5 step invitation guide (in your COO) and follow them to invite to your challenge group. 
2. Product of the product. Be proof the products work! You don't have to have an amazing transformation story, you just have to be ON YOUR JOURNEY. 
3. Personal Development. To improve your biz you need to improve yourself! Get started with The Compound Effect! 
*Print out the 3 Vital Behaviors that is found in your COO and post it near your workstation. 

* Comment below with any questions you have. :)

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Coach Basics Lesson 2: Building your Biz through your personal page!

This is very important guys! I stink at blogging. Facebook IS my blog and i share every part of my life pretty much. Struggles, successes, failures, all of it. Be real. People can't connect with perfection, they need to connect with YOU. :)

Coach Basics Lesson 1: Be Scroll Stopping! -- online only
rhonna designs <--- my FAVE
abeautifulmess -- collages
picplaypost -- videos/pics/quote collages
timercam -- turn the camera on YOU
photofy -- editing
phonto -- words
instafit -- great for screen shots
pictapgo <--- my FAVE

Be IN your pictures. I've realized i get the most engagement on selfies. Love yourself! TAKE SELFIES! :) Share YOU YOU YOU! 

Coach Basics: Welcome!

Ya'll bear with me- literally the first videos i've ever made. Some of these will be me, & some will be other coaches. 

Hi coaches! I am super excited to help you launch your business! It's always exciting to start something new. Over the next few weeks I am going to give you some great tips, tools, & techniques that will help you build your business and teach you the 3 Vital Behaviors of a successful Coach. I have created this page for us to share our experience and hold each other accountable! 

Please plan to participate every day so you don't miss out on the daily post! I love comments and questions, and interacting with you guys so post away! Since it's Day 1, please share a little bit about yourself:
> What is your favorite fitness program
> How did you do with the Business Quick Start?
> What was your biggest take away from the Beachbody Challenge Group Training Videos? 

I can't wait to see what you guys have to say! 
Pull out your calendar and block time in your schedule every day to participate in this group.

** Side note:: This webpage is meant for those who want to move forward right away and learn about growing their business right away! If you would like to be added to a Coach Basics Group, please reach out to me at {}

DIVE IN!! :)